The much-awaited third installment of the Pushpa series, titled Pushpa 3: The Rampage, has been officially confirmed. With Icon Star Allu Arjun at the helm...
Each piece of information about Pushpa 2: The Rule has further sparked great excitement. Director Sukumar has cast Sreeleela in a peppy item song, this...
With the film, Pushpa 2, Tollywood super-star Allu Arjun has broken all previous remunerations. No longer from the conventional forms of salary, Allu Arjun will...
The Superstar of Tollywood, Mahesh Babu, is paired with the great filmmaker, SS Rajamouli, for this much-talked-about adventure film, SSMB 29. Gearing up to be...
Rumors abound about the much-awaited film with Tollywood superstar Ram Charan and Sukumar. The project hasn’t been titled, but fans have had much to look...
Anirudh Ravichander is one of the finest music composers of India, giving back-to-back chartbusters. Anirudh, who has always been known for his signature style and...
Bollywood icon Kareena Kapoor has finally confirmed that she is not part of the much-awaited film Spirit starring PAN Indian superstar Prabhas. The clarification was...