The trailer for Matka, directed by Karuna Kumar, has captivated audiences with its bold storyline and impressive visuals. Set to release on November 14, Matka...
The first glimpse of Sankranthiki Vasthunnam by ace director Anil Ravipudi is out. This film stars Venkatesh, Aishwarya Rajesh, and Meenakshi Chaudhary in a lead...
One of the more interesting developments in the Telugu film space comes through the association of Vijay Deverakonda and director Rahul Sankrityan. This movie will...
The superstar Mahesh Babu will reportedly play the role of Lord Krishna in the soon-to-be-released film, Devaki Nandana Vasudeva. He is going to play the...
Telugu cinema has yet again touched a new milestone as 35 Chinna Katha Kaadu has been officially selected for the prestigious Indian Panorama 2024 at...
Rumors abound about the much-awaited film with Tollywood superstar Ram Charan and Sukumar. The project hasn’t been titled, but fans have had much to look...