Ajith Kumar, the stalwart of Tamil cinema, is back with another intriguing project titled Vidaamuyarchi. After months of speculation and delays, the film’s release date...
Indian cinema has the most versatile and popular actresses Tamannaah Bhatia, who recently wished to share the silver screen with longtime friends Kajal Aggarwal and...
Thalapathy 69 was the title of the much-awaited next film featuring superstar Vijay, popularly known as Thalapathy, and Tamil cinema enthusiasts rejoiced when KVN Productions...
The much-awaited Tamil film SK25 featuring Sivakarthikeyan and directed by Sudha Kongara has hit an unexpected roadblock. Recent reports claim that a creative disagreement between...
In this world of cinema that’s changing rapidly in Tamil, where success is often rated based on the coordination between the appreciation of critics and...
The Tamil film Amaran is turning out to be an outstanding box office phenomenon, captivating audiences across the state of Tamil Nadu and Telugu-speaking territories....
While it is true that Diwali, Sankranti, Dasara, and summer holidays have always remained the choicest options for major releases, giving a big chunk of...