The much-awaited release of Vijay Deverakonda’s big-budget project, tentatively titled VD12, has been postponed, making way for another exciting film, Mad Square, to claim the...
The excitement about Daaku Maharaj, which stars Nandamuri Balakrishna, is building steadily across North America. With nine days to go until its release, the film...
That’s fantastic news for fans! Priyanka Mohan will star opposite Vishwak Sen in the upcoming romantic action drama Mechanic Rocky. Fondly known as ‘Mass Ka...
Ashok Galla latest under Sithara Entertainments have commenced with a pooja ceremony. The romantic comedy, tentatively titled Production #27, is set against the vibrant backdrop...
One of the top production companies in the south Indian film business, Sithara Entertainments, has officially stated that they will be working on an upcoming...