As the release date for Game Changer is nearing, excitement is reaching a fever pitch. Shankar, the visionary director, has his magic woven with Ram...
In a shocking revelation, the ace director Shankar revealed that Game Changer, his ambitious political thriller, was originally conceptualized with Thalapathy Vijay in mind for...
Already creating much buzz ahead of its North America release, the eagerly awaited Game Changer, Ram Charan starring and Shankar directing, the film’s pre-sales have...
The much-awaited trailer of Game Changer has finally released and stunned fans. Shankar, a visionary, and Ram Charan in an uncharted avatar have presented a...
Ram Charan’s much-anticipated film Game Changer is already making headlines even before its release. With advance sales for the USA premiere crossing the $300,000 mark...
The much-awaited film Game Changer, with global sensation Ram Charan, has already raised a storm in the world of entertainment. The film has sold more...
The much-awaited trailer of Game Changer, starring Ram Charan, is officially releasing on December 27. Shankar is directing this ace filmmaker, and Game Changer is...