It’s going to be an intense thriller, #Vettaiyan, based on a powerful storyline, starring the legendary actor #Rajinikanth and directed by #TJGnanavel, releasing on the...
Superstar Rajinikanth’s upcoming film “Vettaiyan,” in which she co-starred, has actress Manju Warrier excited. The film is slated for release on October 10, 2024. Since...
“Manasilaayo,” the first song from Superstar Rajinikanth’s eagerly awaited film Vettaiyan, has lively folk music created by Anirudh Ravichander. On Monday, the first song from...
The much-awaited lyrical video of “Manasilaayo” from the upcoming movie Vettaiyan, starring the legendary Rajinikanth and the talented Manju Warrier, is finally out. Directed by...
The Raja Saab, Prabhas’ upcoming film, blends romance, comedy, and horror. Maruthi directs the film, while Vivek Kuchibotla and T. G. Vishwa Prasad produce it....
When superstar Rajinikanth unexpectedly teamed up with Nelson Dilip Kumar, the movie’s working title, “Thalaivar 169,” was used. Subsequently, the movie’s title was changed to...
Director Aishwarya Rajinikanth, the daughter of South Superstar Rajinikanth, has reported a gold theft from her home to the Chennai police. The director alleged that...