Lokesh Kanagaraj is one of the most sought-after directors in Tamil cinema, known for his innovative storytelling and blockbuster hits. Among his upcoming projects, Irumbu...
Hombale Films, whose iconic Kannada hits include the KGF series and Kantara, has inked a super-duper deal with Tollywood star Prabhas. In fact, known for...
The Lokesh Cinematic Universe, created by the celebrated director Lokesh Kanagaraj, has attracted the eyeballs of viewers with gritty, interconnected storylines and complex characters. While...
Recently, director Lokesh Kanagaraj has revealed an interesting piece of information about a film that would have brought two of Tamil cinema’s most iconic stars,...
Exciting news when it comes to a highly anticipated film is Coolie, featuring Bollywood’s Aamir Khan and South Indian superstar Rajinikanth. The dynamic Lokesh Kanagaraj...
Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has news of his next outing Coolie, which will feature superstar Rajinikanth and Nagarjuna. The scenes featuring Rajinikanth is complete on 28th...
The much-awaited lyrical video of “Manasilaayo” from the upcoming movie Vettaiyan, starring the legendary Rajinikanth and the talented Manju Warrier, is finally out. Directed by...