The much-awaited sequel to the heartwarming blockbuster Premalu is finally coming! Titled Premalu 2, it promises to once again bring alive the charm, emotions, and...
At last, the much-hyped film by ace filmmaker Vetrimaaran, known for his intensive action dramas-Viduthalai Part 2-is available online. Fans with a penchant for action-packed...
The much-awaited sequel to Marco has been officially confirmed, and fans are already buzzing with excitement. Starring the versatile Unni Mukundan, Marco was a game-changer...
Ace director Gautham Vasudev Menon’s news created some buzz in the Kollywood scenario. In one of the interviews recently, this renowned director came out saying...
Nithya Menen, the most versatile actress of the Indian film industry, spoke about her character in the much-awaited film Idly Kadai. The film is starring...
The much-awaited film Thandel, featuring Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi, is finally on the floors with a budget of ₹90 crores. The news has generated...
The much-awaited release of Vijay Deverakonda’s big-budget project, tentatively titled VD12, has been postponed, making way for another exciting film, Mad Square, to claim the...
Sankranthiki Vasthunam, released during the Sankranthi festival season, is making a blockbuster in the offing, grossing more than the expectations at the box office. Since...