The Telugu film industry is abuzz with the exciting news of Bellamkonda Srinivas’s new film, titled Haindava, an adventurous tale rooted in divinity. The first...
Tollywood superstar Ajith Kumar is not only a super actor but a much-in-demand motor racer too. However, recent racing practice session took a dramatic turn...
Recent cancellation of increasing ticket prices along with welfare benefits has taken the T-Film Industries on quite some whirlwind controversies. This just falls at a...
Anticipation for the political-action drama Game Changer starring Ram Charan has been over the roof as fans have already started counting days for its release....
Marco has been doing extremely well since the theatres, this Malayalam action thriller starring Unni Mukundan in the lead role. Since the movie carries a...
South Indian actress Nayanthara has recently been in the news due to the Netflix documentary titled Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale. The documentary spoke about...