The much-awaited release of Vijay Deverakonda’s big-budget project, tentatively titled VD12, has been postponed, making way for another exciting film, Mad Square, to claim the...
Sankranthiki Vasthunam, released during the Sankranthi festival season, is making a blockbuster in the offing, grossing more than the expectations at the box office. Since...
Though much awaited for, it’s now official that the Telugu movie Robinhood, starring Nithin, is confirmed for a release date on 28th of March, 2025....
Again, Global Star Ram Charan proves his commitment to the people with whom he is working. He recently released the film Game Changer during Sankranthi....
The much-awaited lyrical video of Hari Hara Veera Mallu’s “Maata Vinaali” had stormed the internet within 24 hours. Sensationalising its popularity by the powerful vocals,...
The latest Telugu blockbuster, Sankranthiki Vasthunam, starring Venkatesh, and directed by Anil Ravipudi is making waves at the box office. The movie is going great...
Game Changer, the political action drama much-awaited by everyone, has entered the list of Ram Charan’s second-biggest first-week grosser, after the phenomenon of RRR. Despite...