Malayalam’s beloved legend, Mohanlal, recently revealed exciting news with a candid interview that the third installment of the Drishyam series is in the making. As...
Starring the versatile Chiyaan Vikram, Veera Dheera Sooran has already created a storm in the Tamil film industry before its release. Tentatively titled Chiyaan 63,...
Dil Raju, the well-known film producer, has been appointed as the Chairman of the Film Development Corporation (FDC). In a recent statement, he shared his...
The excitement for Thalapathy 69, the Vijay film, has reached new and unprecedented heights with the film’s overseas rights fetching the whopping amount of ₹78...
In a shocking incident, unidentified people, who described themselves as part of a “Student Union,” vandalized the house of famous actor Allu Arjun in Hyderabad....
One of Indian cinema’s biggest stars is Prabhas, known for impeccable film choices that have captivated the globe. The news was broken that the actor...
The much-awaited Game Changer Dallas event was a huge success with the crowd of fans and cinema enthusiasts. It was part of the promotional activities...
Sources indicate that Bollywood heartthrob Kartik Aaryan is in the running to star in the Hindi remake of Telugu blockbuster Saripodhaa Sanivaaram. The original version...